Alpha RAC #6
EHP Ron Reese email: [email protected] (616) 299-3275
SEC Guytonio Nichols email:[email protected]
Mailing Address
P. O. Box 331522,
Fort Worth, TX 76163
Meeting Address
2901 Schwartz Avenue
Fort Worth, TX 76106
Meets on the 1st Thursday 7 PM
SEC Guytonio Nichols email:[email protected]
Mailing Address
P. O. Box 331522,
Fort Worth, TX 76163
Meeting Address
2901 Schwartz Avenue
Fort Worth, TX 76106
Meets on the 1st Thursday 7 PM
This was a joint venture Grand Temple Lodge #75 - PHA of Ft. Worth, Texas Alpha RAC #6 Holy Royal Arch Masons P.H.A. and Steave R Powell Council #2. The little one's was very happy to receive paper, crayons, pencils, colored, pencils, highlighters, Construction paper, and backpacks.
This was a very busy weekend for Alpha Chapter 6 after doing all the shopping for the Family in Crisis. This situation was very touching. The mother went on to see the Lord and the great grandmother has the task of raising her great granddaughter. She does not receive any financial assistance. She is at the age where she does not work at 9 to 5. So Alpha six stepped up and showed out and helped the great grandmother with her great granddaughter with clothing for school, school supplies and a generous amount of money to take care of utility bills. This was a very touching moment even for me the EHP. The pictures are attached.
Alpha RAC #6 Presents Cap and Gown Donation to deserving Graduating Students
Alpha RAC #6 Celebrating Zerubbabel Day